Aventuras Lógicas

Desvende enigmas e desafios com o jovem Einstein.

a man leaning against a wall with his hands on his hips
a man leaning against a wall with his hands on his hips
Desafios Lógicos

Viva grandes aventuras e resolva enigmas intrigantes.

a stack of colorful blocks sitting on top of each other
a stack of colorful blocks sitting on top of each other
a yellow and blue cube sitting on top of a white surface
a yellow and blue cube sitting on top of a white surface
a rubik cube on a white background
a rubik cube on a white background
Enigmas Divertidos

Participe de aventuras e teste seu raciocínio lógico.

Aventuras Lógicas

Desvende enigmas e desafios com o jovem Einstein em breve.

A close up of a flower with a blurry background
A close up of a flower with a blurry background
a digital image of a person's head and a light bulb
a digital image of a person's head and a light bulb
a digital image of a woman's face and hair
a digital image of a woman's face and hair
a kite flying in the sky on a clear day
a kite flying in the sky on a clear day
a group of light bulbs sitting on top of a snow covered ground
a group of light bulbs sitting on top of a snow covered ground
a drawing of a person's shadow with a yellow object in the middle of
a drawing of a person's shadow with a yellow object in the middle of

As aventuras com o Jovem Einstein são incríveis! Desvendar enigmas e desafios de raciocínio lógico é uma experiência única e divertida. Recomendo a todos!

Maria Silva

yellow and black metal frame
yellow and black metal frame
